The dragonfly tattoo is not hugely popular but has caught the eye of many people, especially those who noticed that Heath Ledger wore one. There are many variations on this tattoo and in this article, I'll explain to you the meaning of these tattoos and tell you about 5 different dragonfly tattoo designs that you'll want to choose from for your next tattoo.
miley cyrus new tattoo
The dragonfly tattoo is not hugely popular but has caught the eye of many people, especially those who noticed that Heath Ledger wore one. There are many variations on this tattoo and in this article, I'll explain to you the meaning of these tattoos and tell you about 5 different dragonfly tattoo designs that you'll want to choose from for your next tattoo.
Miley Cyrus Has First Tattoo All Planned Out
The Disney star can't seem to keep herself out of scandals and she is only 16 years old. First it was the topless photo shoot that caused some much drama, even though she had a bed sheet covering herself and all you could see what her back. She is also involved in a law suit regrading all the Asians in CA , due to a photo of her pretending she was Asians. She is also ridiculed for her close relationship to her father, well one more thing can be added to that list, a tattoo.
Miley is not quite of age to get a tattoo just yet but that hasn't stopped her from wanting to get one. Like most girls Miley's age they want a tattoo. Well it seems Miley has already picked out what she wants as her first tattoo and to the seasoned tattoo person its the ultimate tattoo no no. This tattoo design that Miley has picked out is not the wisest of tattoo design. She wants to get the initials of her 20 year old boyfriend, Justin Gaston.
One would think that her parents Billy Ray and Tish would put their foot down and advise their daughter that getting the initials of a boyfriend who is more than likely just a teenager love affair is not the best idea. But it seems Billy Ray and Tish are ok with this because of a new tattoo ink that has come out that promises to be more effective when you want to get one removed by a laser. Either way getting tattoos removed is painful and expensive. It's best to just skip the whole boyfriend initials thing and get a butterfly or a heart tattoo instead.
Upper back tattoo FullCool
The human back makes an ideal canvas for a tattoo artist's needles. If you are considering your first tattoo could do worse than to have it be an upper back tattoo. Why? Upper back tattoos can range from small and simple to large and elaborate, and can stand alone or be the foundations for larger and more elaborate tattoo work if you like the outcome and want to add to it. Upper back tattoos are, more often than not, covered in indoor settings so they won’t be an issue in professional environments.
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Atsuko Kudo Latex! Shot by: Amina Munster MUA: Red Dodge
50's Diner shot by: Lesley Slenning MUA: Chris Montoya Top: Bettie Page Clothing
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Woo Hoo time for loltatz
Blunt Edge FTW

How many Straight-Edge kids does it take to drink a case of beer?One, if no one's looking.
I feel sick
Blunt Edge FTW
Having just eaten at a shitty Australian attempt at an American eatery, I feel nothing but contempt for this fat man's stomach. It'll pass, as will the humorous undertones of this tattoo.
Formal For Life
That's not smart. Like, not even in the dressing smart kinda sense, nothing about it is smart. Had it have been done better, shadows, colour etc, maybe. But until then. It's dumb.
Bubble O'Brilliant
Lion New Tattoo moderN
Tattoo or body art has gained huge popularity over recent times. People of any age group and any social standing may be seen to be sporting tattoos. But they vary from person to person with respect of its designs. People sport tattoos depending on their social positioning and age group. The sported done by women are very different from that of men or hard core criminals! So the more the number of people do tattoo the more is the variety.
But instead of just going to a tattoo artist and get your tattoo done it is much better to go for something unique and ingenious. This not only distinguishes your tattoo from the others but also adds a new idea to the ever expanding realm of tattoo ideas. The tattoo that one wears reveals to an extent the personality of that particular person. So isn't it better to go for something that is unique rather than blindly copying others? As for example if one wants to tattoo a lion on his arm then he can directly draw that animal using colors as used in any other tattoo but instead of just doing this if he does the same tattoo of the animal by joining dots (just as we used to do in our first drawing classes!), that highlights the outline of it then it is not only unique but is also much more artistically appealing.
Now-a-days it has become a common fad amongst the people to tattoo the name of their dear ones on their body. This type of fashion of tattooing names or inscribing any message on the body especially on the hands in Hindi, Arabic, Chinese or Japanese is ideal for people looking forward for something different since in most cases the messages are not similar and they bring out the personality of the bearer. A variant of this kind, the Japanese Kanji tattoo especially is very popular among the masses as it supposedly raises the cool quotient and also sends out a message.
Other than this some of the tattoo ideas that have stood the test of time are the floral tattoos, the star and sun tattoos, the animal tattoos and last but not the least the tribal tattoos. Here, a few words are worth mentioning about the tribal tattoos.
Tribal tattoos have been in existence since time immemorial. It was believed by some tribes that tattooing initiates a person into adulthood. The tribal tattoos with their intricate black and sometimes white patterns that are now in practice may be a bit different from the authentic tribal tattoos owned by different tribes but nevertheless these neo tribal tattoos are as charming as their primitive counterparts.
Tattoos For Girls - Choosing the Right new Tattoo For You
Nowadays there is a vast variety of tattoo design and body location combinations that make fantastic tattoos for girls and it can often be difficult to decide which tattoo design to ink, and where to site it. This article is dedicated to girls looking for ideas and advice to help them plan their next tattoo.
In the past it was mainly men who decorated their bodies with tattoos, however over the past 50 years or so tattoos for girls have also become incredibly popular. The rise in the popularity of tattoos among girls followed the women's rights movement, as social attitudes changed to embrace equality. While many girls still prefer the classic tattoo designs styles and body locations that are also popular among men, recent decades has also seen an explosion in incredibly feminine and elegant tattoo design styles that have been developed especially for female tattoo enthusiasts. There are so many different design styles around that there really is something for everyone.
There are so many options for girls planning a new tattoo that choosing a design and where to ink it can be rather daunting. It is incredibly important to really take your time making a decision. Tattoos are permanent and girls who get inked on the spare of the moment usually live to regret it.
The two biggest choices to make when planning a new tattoo are which design to ink, and where on the body to ink it. Some girls prefer to pick the design first, and then think about where best to have it tattooed, while other girls pick the body location first. There is no right or wrong way, although I personally recommend considering both the design and body area simultaneously when planning a new tattoo.
Learn the Popular and Cool Tattoo Designs For Girls
If you're a girl and looking for something funky or beautiful to ink into your body, then know the three main tattoo categories right now. These cool tattoo designs fit all people and personalities, allowing you to be original. Your goal is to find something with meaning and significance to you, so if you don't like what you see in these categories move on and look elsewhere. If you don't want a tattoo that's popular now, then break the trend. It's important you like the tattoo you choose because it's going to be inked on your body and will probably be there forever, which means it should also be in a place you like.
The most popular cool tattoo designs right now are floral, which this tends to stay true through time. Girls always tend to lean towards floral designs, especially since there's so many flowers to choose from. Some designs range from lotus flowers, roses, Hawaiian flower tattoos, peonies, orchids and lowering vines. None of these will really go out of style and are generally a safe choice for a tattoo.
Anime tattoos are a funky choice for a tattoo design right now that's become very popular. The increase has happened because of the popularity with animated cartoons. These originated from Japan, and many girls choose a tattoo of their favorite character from the cartoon to have inked on their body. This one should take some consideration before it's done, because you want to make sure it is likable in the future - in several weeks or in years.
Another classic that has stayed popular for many years is American tattoos. These cool tattoo designs range in variety, but the most popular is a nautical star tattoo that has become a favorite on the girl's back, legs, or chest.
Checkout the new Porsche 918 Spyder Hybrid
Porsche 918 Spyder Plug-In Hybrid Is Only the Start of Green Program
By JIM MOTAVALLI at NYTIMES.comCiting an “overwhelming response from the public and customers,” Porsche said on Wednesday that it intended to move its ultrapowerful and gorgeously styled 918 Spyder plug-in hybrid from concept to production model. The decision complements a second, more modest environmentally themed test program announced on Monday that will put three battery-operated versions of the popular Boxster into what the company calls “field tests.” READ THE REST HEREShoulder tattoos for men : Design Ideas Gallery

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