There are many self-representing artists who sell original paintings, limited edition prints,
Another good reason for buying art direct from the artist is that you could discover the next Picasso or Turner! You may get to chat with the creators themselves, by purchasing art from an emerging artist you could buy art that has a good chance of being an investment if the artist reaches greater heights in their artistic career, or just choose your art because you like it and it compliments the interior of your home or office space.
Online art galleries represent all artists, from amateurs to new or emerging and full time professionals, who exhibit a wide variety of art in all styles and mediums, including abstract paintings, landscapes, seascapes, figurative art, still life, flowers, wildlife paintings, and more, in oils, acrylic, watercolour and other mediums, each artist has their own pages on these art sites where they exhibit a portfolio of their art, you can send enquiries or leave feedback when you have made a purchase, some galleries charge their artists an annual fee but take no commission, some work on a commission basis where artists pay a percentage usually 25 - 50% on each artwork sold.
You can buy some stunning art online, or you could also do a search in your local area, find an artist and visit them in their studio where they will have paintings on display for you to see before you buy.
If you are looking for a painting or print to complete the look of your home or office, buy art direct from the artist, save money and help support and encourage talented artists.